Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Facelift in a Bottle

A Facelift in a Bottle!

A facelift in a pill! Crazy talk? You might think so but it certainly sounds like the easier option to placing your face in the hands of a surgeon and have him work miracles with a scalpel! Ok so maybe Im a coward but stupid I am not!

Where did this all start? A small village in Japan has been found, where its inhabitants average age is over 60 and hardly a wrinkle in sight! According to an ABC News report earlier this year, they have a remarkable lack of ailments which are usually associated with the elderly, and to boot, they all appear youthful too! What is their secret?

It seems to be a naturally occurring substance found in their unique staple diet of starchy carbohydrate potatoes, which contain high levels of hyauloric acid (HA). We all have HA in our bodies but as we age this decreases. It is at its highest when we are still in the womb and generally starts to decrease from the age of 40 which, co-incidentally, is when the fine lines and wrinkles start to appear and the skin starts to lose its moisture and elasticity!

HA has been used in the medical world since the 1980s to help such ailments as oestoarthritis of the knee, dry eye conditions and Interstitial Cystitis to name but a few. Its amazing ability to retain moisture and fluid in joints, sinews and dermis as well as its anti-inflammatory properties has made a difference to many with these conditions.

In recent years, the cosmetic industry have started using HA in their skin creams for its anti-ageing properties these unfortunately only work on the top layer of skin.

However, until now the HA they have used was not absorbable inside the body. When used in the medical field this has merely acted as a gel like cushion to fill a gap it stays where its put and doesnt absorb into the body.

HA is now available as a health supplement so that this amazing substance can benefit the body from the inside outwards. Two tablets a day over a 30-day trial have shown amazing results with regard to the texture and tone of the skin (goodness knows what it is also doing to the internal organs).

So do baby boomers have a choice, you bet we have! Which would you rather do? Take a couple of pills and feel great or subject yourself to a scalpel, pain, dark glasses or forced hibernation for a few weeks? I know what I'd choose!

Marie Breward is an experienced Reflexologist and runs a busy mobile practice. She also an Independent Distributor for Changes International. Her website features her therapies, health related articles and nutritional information. Free Ezine available too. http://www.bodybalance.marie.com .
Contact her at mailto:mariebodybalance@aol.com

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