Saturday, February 9, 2008

About Your Face lift

Face lift is actually known as rhytidectomy. As people age, the effect of gravity, exposure to the sun and the stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. Deep creases form between the nose and mouth; the jaw line grows slack. Folds and fat deposits appear around the neck. A face lift can't stop this aging process. What the face lift operation can do is improve the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck.
Best candidate for a face lift:
1. We can say the best candidate is the man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag.
2. If the skin still has some elasticity left.
3. If the bone structure is strong and well-defined.
4. People at the age of seventies and eighties can also get the face lift done.
5. If the person has less self-confidence and if the person wants to look fresher and younger then they are definitely the best candidates.
6. It restores the health and vitality of the youth.
Risk of getting a face lift done:
As we all know every surgery has risks involved. It can best know when discussed with your surgeon. It depends mostly on the person's anatomy and their physical reactions, and their healing abilities.
1. Blood collects under the skin must be removed by the surgeon.
2. Injury to the nerves that control facial muscles.
3. Infection and reactions to the anesthesia.
4. Smokers are affected by poor healing.
5. Risks are reduced by following your surgeon's advice.
Planning for your face lift surgery:
You should always discuss your goals with your surgeons. They will always advise you and explain your pro's and cons better.
1. Your surgeon will check for medical conditions that could cause problems during or after the surgery, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars.
2. Your surgeon will instruct you on taking or avoiding certain medication. It is an important to stop smoking two weeks before and after surgery.
Types of anesthesia done during Face Lift :
1. Local anesthesia: it may make you drowsy. You'll be awake but your face will not be in pain.
2. General anesthesia: if this anesthesia is given then you will sleep through out the day.
About the face lift surgery:
1. The face lift surgery takes several hours to be done with.
2. Incisions usually begin above the hair line at the temples, extend in a natural line in front of the ear, then it continues behind the earlobe to lower scalp.
3. The surgeon separates the skin from the fat and muscle below.
4. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour.
5. The surgeon then tightens the underlying muscle and the membrane, pulls the skin back, and removes the excess.
6. Stitches secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions.
7. Metal clips may be used to the scalp.
8. After surgery a thin drain tube is placed under the skin behind your ear to drain any blood that might collect there.
After your surgery:
1. If there is discomfort after the surgery, pain medication is given.
2. If there is severe chronic pain or sudden swelling of your face, its best to alert the doctor.
3. Their maybe drainable tubes and they will be removed one or two days after surgery.
4. Bandages are usually removed after five days.
5. Your face may look pale bruised and puffy, but in a few weeks you will be looking normal.
6. Most of your stitches will be removed after about ten days. Your scalp may take longer to heal, and stitches or metal clips in your hairline could be left in a few days longer.
Care after the surgery:
1. You can move about in two days but take it easy for the first week after the face lift surgery.
2. Be very gentle with your face and hair, sine your skin will be both tender and numb.
3. It may be very numb at first.
4. Avoid strenuous activity, including sex and heavy housework, for at least two weeks, stretching ise fine.
5. Get plenty of rest and allow your body to spend its energy on healing.

Your new look:
It's very common to still have swelling for weeks after surgery but it will subside with time. You will be happy with your new and improved look at about three to six months once the swelling is gone.
The author Tasha Haskell is with Sadrian Cosmetic Surgery and is an expert on cosmetic surgery procedures.

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