Friday, March 28, 2008

Plastic Surgery: Questions You Should Ask Before Going Under The Knife

Plastic surgery today has undergone a wide acceptance by society. Its popularity is most likely due to popular television shows and celebrity surgeries having removed the stigma to the point where it is considered an attainable and reasonable means of improving the appearance for almost anyone.

Additionally, the advancement of plastic technology means that many procedures are now quite common and offer very little risk. There are now limitless possibilities with plastic surgery, whether it is in the face, body or limbs. If your body bags, wrinkles, sags or pouches or if you feel something is too large, too small or even the wrong shape, cosmetic surgery can probably fix it. However it is important to keep in mind that no surgery is risk free and any person seriously contemplating plastic surgery should take the time to ask important questions as a part of their pre-surgery research.

One of the most important questions to ask, is "what are the risks?" And since all surgery carries some inherent risks, this is an aspect of cosmetic surgery that should be considered carefully before making a final decision. Even if your doctor is experienced and the risks are minimal you may still develop complications either during or after your surgery. You should therefore be sure to thoroughly review your health history with your doctor before commencing with any plastic surgery.

A good cosmetic surgeon will take your reasons for surgery into consideration and will be honest about the risks. Are you sure the risks outweigh the potential benefits? What, if any, follow up will be done by the surgeon? Will the doctor make adjustments if needed? How will complications be handled? How much time will you need to recover and what are the expected side effects of surgery?

Another important consideration you should carefully examine is your reason for plastic surgery.

Although the makeovers on television may give the impression that cosmetic surgery can improve the quality of your life it is vitally important that you have a realistic outlook on the impact of surgery.

When discussing cosmetic surgery with a doctor, they should also tell you the options that are available and any alternatives to surgery. You shouldn't be pressured into unnecessary surgery. An informed consent document should be signed prior to surgery.

Fourthly, since not all surgical procedures need to be preformed in a hospital, another critical part of your research should be to thoroughly investigate the accreditation of your surgeon. You should check to make sure that your plastic surgeon is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons (ABPS) or a similar a organization in your country.

Ask the surgeon if they have hospital privileges. Having hospital privileges means that a hospital committee has approved the doctor's training and competency to meet their criteria for performing a similar operation in their facilities. Also, even if your surgery is performed in an office, verify that there will be appropriate medical personnel on hand and that the facilities are clean and medical waste is properly disposed of.

You should ask your personal physician for referrals as well. It is important that you find a surgeon that you feel comfortable with. You want to feel free to ask questions and to make certain they understand what you are hoping to achieve - after all, this isn't a hair cut - you want it to be right the first time.

Last, but not least, cost is an important consideration when thinking about plastic surgery. And while this may be the first questions that comes to some people's minds, in reality you should only consider this after determining whether you really need surgery. Costs vary widely and should not be the basis for your decision. The qualifications of the doctor and your comfort with him or her are of far greater significance than the cost since you will undoubtedly pay more if you encounter complications or are unhappy with the results.

Furthermore, depending on the reason for the surgery you may have some of the costs covered by insurance or state run medical programs. However, if cosmetic surgery (also called 'elective') is not seen as a medical and necessity it will not likely be covered by insurance.

In conclusion, if you are considering plastic surgery, be sure to take your time to do proper research before making your final decision. Be sure to make the price of the surgery itself only one of the determining factors and not the only one. After all, there are other things that are more important than money.

Sandra Clair writes for Lasik Eye Surgery Information which provides information on Lasik eye surgery, including LASIK Cost, LASIK Eye Surgery, LASIK Eye Surgery Canada, LASIK Eye surgery Price, LASIK Eye Surgery Risks, LASIK MD, LASIK Plus, LASIK Surgery and LASIK Vision Institute

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