Monday, February 16, 2009

Plastic Surgery and Your Breasts

Plastic surgery for the female breast is, along with facelifts, probably the highest-profile type of plastic surgery. It is performed not only for aesthetic reasons, but for health reasons as well.

One category of plastic surgery for the breast is mammoplasty (breast augmentation), which usually involves the insertion of saline-filled implants. Mastopexy (breast lift) lifts and reshapes sagging breasts and repositions the nipples to restore symmetry. "Breast revision" is the umbrella name for the various kinds of plastic surgery for the breast.

Mammoplasty is also performed in breast reconstruction, where the plastic surgery can help approximate the appearance of a breast that has been removed during cancer treatment.

Breast reduction is another area of plastic surgery that is not specifically cosmetic. Large breasts can cause back, neck and shoulder pain, as well as headaches, breast pain, poor posture, and other health issues that plastic surgery can help to resolve.

The aesthetic results of various forms of breast revision are generally good. Specific side effects, in addition to the general risks posed by surgery and anesthetic, can include loss of sensation and of the ability to nurse a baby.

For many women, breast size is an issue that affects their self-esteem. But even when size isn't your issue, many women lose tone and symmetry after pregnancy and nursing that plastic surgery can restore. Self-consciousness about one's breasts can also have a negative impact on a woman's sexuality. While in some cases of low self-esteem psychotherapy may be necessary, breast revision surgery has a significant positive impact for many women.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about plastic surgery and your breasts.

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