Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Plastic Surgery

Ideally, plastic surgery is intended for those people who have had severe burn injuries and need tissue replacement, or for those who have had an accident and scarred their faces. Plastic surgery helps in restoring and, at times, restructuring facial bones and skin, bringing mental peace to the patient.

History has many instances of reconstructive, or cosmetic, surgery. The Romans could repair ears. The great Indian surgeon Susrutha utilized skin grafting methods in 800 B.C. for nose reconstruction. The mid-15th century saw Heinrich von Pfolspeundt perform a nose job. The first cleft palate operation was preformed by Dr. John Peter Mettauer with instruments of his own design.

Procedures like flap surgery and microsurgical transfer of tissue improved rapidly after the World War I. Reconnecting blood vessels with transferred tissue has been around for many decades now. Breast reconstruction, sex reassignment surgery, foreskin restoration and mucosa defects are some examples of reconstructive surgery.

Before going in for plastic surgery, one needs to find out all the details about the doctor in question. He should be a certified doctor with the requisite qualifications for carrying out the surgery. He must have hospital privileges, as post-operative care is very important. All details of cost and related expenses should be made clear upfront. Ensure that the doctor has successfully performed this procedure before. Get feedback, if possible, from other patients.

Get the doctor to explain the technique and procedure to be used. Determine whether anesthesia will be administered locally or generally. Talk to the anesthetist if it is to be general anesthesia. Ensure that where the operation will be performed is affiliated with a hospital licensed by the state or, at the very least, accredited.

Then find out what will be the procedure if something goes wrong and if there could be irreversible damage. Determine what medication will be used and for how long. How soon will you be able to get back to normal living? Only after you have satisfied yourself with all the answers and are sure that this is what you have to do, should you then undergo surgery.

Plastic Surgery provides detailed information on Plastic Surgery, Awful Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Costs and more. Plastic Surgery is affiliated with Plastic Surgeries.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Plastic Surgery Financing

It is important to plan the plastic surgery procedure with a health insurance firm much in advance. This is important, as plastic surgery for just aesthetic appeal is typically not covered by most insurance firms. However, if the procedure involves a medical necessity, it is definitely met by the firm. Hence, the reason for this procedure is of utmost importance.

It is, however, possible to get private financing for the cosmetic surgery required by an individual. There are several financial institutions that provide plastic surgery loans. It is advisable to study the various institutions in the fray and select the institution that best suits the individual?s requirements and lifestyle. It is recommended to ask about down payments as well as the terms and conditions governing the loan. With loans of these types available, it is not necessary for the individuals to shell out their entire stock of savings.

It is possible for a person to take advantage of the various resources that are available and effectively lower the cost of such a procedure. It is also possible to seek the services of a credit counseling service that is locally available.

It is also possible to look for plastic surgery loan calculators online that will help provide the outline of the loan programs, considering the payback that can be afforded by the individual. They can also calculate the approximate time period that would be required in paying off the loan.

It is also advisable to take the doctor into confidence about the loan that is being proposed, as many times the loan providers try and negotiate with the medical practitioners to lower the cost of the surgery. The concerned doctors might not take to this kindly. Certain online collaborations work in partnership with some surgeons. This way both the parties are profited since the online companies lure patients for the surgeons, and, in turn, the surgeons provide their services at low rates.

By acquiring a loan for the much-desired cosmetic surgery, individuals are making an investment in themselves.

Plastic Surgery provides detailed information on Plastic Surgery, Awful Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Costs and more. Plastic Surgery is affiliated with Plastic Surgeries.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stress Following Your Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery produces such amazing results that many people fail to take into account what is involved in the process. This can lead to unnecessary stress following a procedure.

Stress Following Your Plastic Surgery

The purpose of plastic surgery is really two fold. It is to improve an aspect of your body that you are unhappy with on a daily basis. By so doing, plastic surgery should also add to your mental well being since you are addressing some aspect of your body that makes you unhappy. While this sounds straightforward, many patients fail to seriously focus on what is going to occur during and after the procedure. This can lead to extreme stress and unhappiness following it.

Assume you have always hated the appearance of your nose. For the purpose of this example, we will assume you have a large nose with a significant bump along the ridge. Frankly, people stare at it when talking to you and it makes you very self-conscious. You live with it for years, but finally decide to have something done. After selecting and consulting with a cosmetic surgeon, you have the procedure. Immediately following the procedure, you awake to pain. A look in the mirror shows massive swelling, black eyes and a face you barely recognize. Shock, fear and stress immediately set in. This occurs despite the fact your surgeon told you what to expect after the surgery.

Plastic surgery is not like buying a new car. You do not get to show it off immediately. Unless it is a very minor procedure, you are not going to look good immediately afterwards. Surgeons tell patients this, but the advice is often disregarded. Why? Patients tend to focus on the result they expect and are very happy about finally doing something about whatever it is that bothers them.

It is vital to understand that most plastic surgery procedures are invasive. This means the body suffers trauma to some extent. A mere incision is considered trauma. When the body experiences this, it reacts to protect and heal the problem area. Depending on the procedure, this can mean blood will be rushed to the area. This will present as bruising and swelling. It is going to happen, so you need to prepare yourself mentally for it. The presence of bruising and swelling does not mean your surgeon made a mistake. It is a natural process.

If you are going to have plastic surgery, you need to understand the recovery process is going to take time. How much? Your surgeon can tell the answer for your specific procedure. Regardless, it is important that you not stress out or judge the results during the recover period. You should only do this after the bruising is gone and the swelling resolved.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of cosmetic surgeons.


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Monday, March 16, 2009

Benefits of Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery

If you need to make a change to improve your personality, look and your confidence, there is an answer: Cosmetic plastic surgery.

But you find yourself wondering, "What is plastic surgery?" By definition plastic surgery is any surgical procedure that deals with the reconstruction or improvement of a body part to enhance the shape and appearance of that part of the body.

Whether you are considering facial plastic surgery, breast augmentation, breast reduction or rhinoplasty it is important to make sure that you completely understand the intricacies of the procedure you are interested in before you make your decision. It is important to remember that although plastic surgery usually has more to do with your appearance than function of your body, it is still major surgery and shouldn't be taken lightly.

The great thing about plastic surgery is that benefits can be both physical and emotional, both external and internal.

The effect of plastic surgery depends on the person and the procedure. Most plastic surgery requires that the patient be given general anesthetic so most people wake up after surgery feeling groggy and or nauseous. Some people wake up in pain and others have sore throats and are extremely thirsty, it varies. Usually it takes two or three hours to recover from the effects of anesthetic.

The risks of plastic surgery will differ depending on the individual and the procedure they opt for.

Scarring is one of the most common risks that people considering plastic surgery should be aware of. Most surgeons will try to hide incision lines in places where they aren't noticeable, like under the crease of the breast in breast augmentation plastic surgery and in the hairline in facial plastic surgery, but most surgeries will still result in permanent scarring.

Bleeding, infection and hematomas are possible after surgery, but if these complications are caught early on they can usually be treated.

Before you undergo plastic surgery it is important to have blood tests and a physical done to ensure that you are a good candidate for surgery. In addition you should make sure to look into the procedure you are considering and learn about the risks involved so that you can be as prepared inside and out for your transformation.

This article has been published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website. For more details about the Skin related issues or Natural Skin Care, please visit website.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

What You Should Look For In A Plastic Surgeon Before Going For A Surgery

The decision to have plastic surgery is certainly not one to be taken lightly. The changes you choose to make to your appearance will be with you for the rest of your life, so you want to be sure you are happy with the results. These are some points you may wish to take into account when deciding who will be your plastic surgeon.

Don't go with the first one you see

Have a list of questions ready to ask several different plastic surgeons. Don't just go with the first one you see or the cheapest. You want to know how experienced they are and see some photographs of their work. The best way to be lead to the right plastic surgeon for you would have to be via recommendations from people you trust.

You may want to go the extra mile with your research into the surgeons that make it onto your short list. Look into whether or not there have been any complaints against them, and do they have full authority for their position in the hospital where they attend surgery. You should feel free to discuss any concerns with the surgeon, and if not then they are not the doctor for you.

Meet former patients in person

You will always see before and after photos at the plastic surgeons office, but ask if you can speak to some former patients in person. That way you can ask them directly about how happy they were with the doctor's creation of their vision. Talk to them about how satisfied they were with the hospital in general. If you feel like the plastic surgeon doesn't have time for you to interview them, then cross them off your list straight away - you are making a life long decision and if they can't empathize with your need to pick the right person then they aren't the one.

Always discuss the details of what your payment covers precisely, so you understand the complete costs including your room, surgery, medications and any care for after the operation. You do not want to think you have paid for everything only to receive a big bill during your recovery.

Entertain all your options

Have a list of questions ready to ask several different plastic surgeons. Don't just go with the first one you see or the cheapest. You want to know how experienced they are and see some photographs of their work. The best way to be lead to the right plastic surgeon for you would have to be via recommendations from people you trust.


Do some research on a handful of plastic surgeons before you decide who will operate on you. If you can, get a list together of surgeons people you know can recommend to you. Instead of just looking at photos ask to meet former patients face to face. Don't be pushed into any one surgeon, and make the choice that seems right for you.

Brooke Hayles
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Celebrities and Plastic Surgery

A lot of people are tempted to undergo plastic surgery but are afraid of what it could do to them if things go wrong. Perhaps taking a good look at the celebrities who have failed at their attempts at plastic surgery can show these people that they should be very afraid indeed. Here's a short list of celebrities who have undergone horrible plastic suregry, based on various published reports in publications and on the internet.

1. Michael Jackson Yes, he tops the list of worst plastic surgery cases. Following a series of surgical procedures, Jackson probably now ranks as one of the scariest celebrities on the planet. He used to be a cute black child but now he resembles a pale ghost. You don't have to say a lot about Jackson and this topic because practically everyone has seen the dire results.

2. Melanie Griffith She was once a stunning and fresh-faced beauty, particularly during the eighties, but now that she has put too much collagen on her face, her skins looks much too tight as if she's always tense. Why, some people say she can't even smile anymore. The best she can do is grimace. Of course, there are whispers that drugs have something to do with it as well.

3. Farrah Fawcett Another former knockout whose looks have taken a turn for the worse after plastic surgery is Farrah Fawcett. She was once the queen of the hit series Charlie's Angels and one of the most popular poster girls in the world. Today, after a series of nips and tucks and many more, her face looks deformed, with a nose that is lopsided and eyes that are way too tilted at the ends.

4. Lil Kim Black musician Lil Kim seems to be following the footsteps of Michael Jackson. She's tried to be a little whiter and she's altered her eyes, nose and lips. She once looked soulful and sultry. Now she looks like a gremlin.

5. Kylie Minogue Kylie used to ooze sex appeal. Now, after too many botox treatments, her face looks as tight as a drum. Sure, you don't see any wrinkles on her forehead at all, but her face looks too stiff and unnatural.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Cosmetic Surgery, Relationship, and Beauty

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